Cobb County is one of the most populous counties in Georgia; as such, it should come as no surprise that we are near the top of the list when it comes to the number of traffic accidents that occur each year. The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety releases an annual report with figures on the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities that occurred over the last 5 years. These numbers can be very alarming, especially for those on the road regularly.
Number Of Car Crashes Returns To Prior Levels
Data from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety shows that 2011 was one of the safest years in recent history for Cobb County roads. Unfortunately, the decline seen from 2009 to 2011 seems to have reversed, as 2012 and 2013 rose to nearly identical figures as the years prior. For 2013 (the most recent year for which data is available) roughly 24,000 car accidents were reported.
Cobb County Accident Injuries On The Rise
This data showed that the number of annual car accident injuries fluctuated from 2009 to 2013. The period from 2009 to 2010 showed a substantial decrease of nearly 1,000 injuries, and there was an even larger decrease of almost 1,500 injuries from 2010-2011. However, injuries jumped back up for 2012, with roughly 2,800 more cases reported than the year prior. Unsurprisingly, the number of car accident injuries seems to change in response to the number of car accidents in general.
Traffic Fatalities Steadily Increase
While the number of car accidents and resulting injuries seem to vary widely from year to year, the number of car crash fatalities has seen a modest rise. Thankfully, the number of traffic-related deaths in Cobb County still remains below the 2008 mark of 67 deaths. Approximately 30% of the deaths each year are unrestrained individuals, a statistic which suggests the importance of wearing your seatbelt while on the read. Alcohol remains the leading factor in all traffic-related fatalities for the full five year period.
Hurt In An Accident? Call Our Marietta Injury Attorneys
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you’re more than just a statistic. Our Marietta car accident lawyers understand the immense physical and emotional toll a crash can take on you, and we are committed to fighting for you rights. When you retain our firm, our experienced attorneys will do everything legally possible to aid your recovery by pursuing maximum compensation on your behalf.
Pursue fair compensation for your injuries. Call Jones & Swanson today at (770) 427-5498.