As National Safety Month wraps up, we at Jones & Swanson want to inform readers of safety tips that may be especially helpful during the summer months. Summertime offers more ability for children and adults alike to enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately, this can lead to an increased number of serious injuries as a result of potentially dangerous activities. These can include swimming, shooting fireworks, jumping on trampolines, and more.
The most obvious of these dangers is that of swimming. Summer weather allows for us to make use of swimming pools, which can be dangerous. Drowning has been said to be one of the leading causes of unintentional death. We have posted helpful swimming safety tips in the past, but a tip that is not as well-known is that pool owners should keep the water properly balanced so that the water is clear enough to be seen through. In the event that someone is stuck underwater or drowning, others need to be able to see them and recognize that they need assistance. Summertime is also a popular time for families to vacation to the beach. It is important to stay near to the shore and only allow strong swimmers into the water, as currents can be especially dangerous.
Firework safety is a topic that we should all keep in mind, especially this week. Fourth of July celebrations will be in full swing this weekend, so make sure that those around you are extra careful when handling fireworks. For a list of firework safety tips, see our blog.
A safety concern that many do not acknowledge until it is too late is that of trampolines. Many studies have shown that trampolines can cause serious damage to users, even if you do not realize it at the time. The more obvious concerns involve falling or bouncing off the sides of trampolines, which often leads to broken bones, concussions, and other significant injuries. Between the years of 2002 and 2011, an estimated 1 million people were treated in emergency rooms due to trampoline accident injuries. Parents, professionals suggest that children six and younger should not be allowed on a trampoline. Others should make sure to stay near the middle of the trampoline and avoid doing flips or somersaults. A trampoline should only be used by a single person at a time, and ladders should not be connected to the sides of them because it can cause trips and fall accidents. The steel frames and springs should always be covered with a protective pad, and children should always be supervised while jumping on a trampoline. The dangers associated with trampolines may seem insignificant, but they can lead to damages that alter one’s life.
If you are a homeowner or other person who can be held liable for another person’s injuries while swimming in your pool, jumping on your trampoline, or otherwise making use of your property, you should use extra caution this summer. It only takes one injury for someone to be able to bring a legal claim against you or your family. It is your responsibility to keep your property safe for others and to ensure that no one is using your property that cannot be trusted to take care of themselves.