Approximately one out of every seven drivers on roads in the United States is uninsured or inadequately insured. Perhaps this is because so many households are working on tighter budgets these days, and car insurance seems like an appropriate expense to reduce or cut entirely. As most Georgians know, the metro Atlanta area is a difficult area to operate a vehicle in, causing numerous car wrecks every day. Having the appropriate motorist coverage is important for every metro Atlanta driver.
If you are injured by an uninsured driver or one with insufficient coverage for your claim, you may be unable to recover fair compensation for your injury claim. For this reason, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage would be a great addition to any insurance plan.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage In Georgia
We want you to fully understand Georgia uninsured motorist coverage so that your expenses as a result of an accident are not overwhelming. Below are answers to a few important questions about your automobile insurance policy:
what Is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Uninsured motorist coverage, or UM, is an additional coverage on your own auto insurance policy. Your uninsured motorist coverage is intended to protect you if you’re injured by someone with little or no liability coverage on their automobile. UM would compensate holders for a losses sustained when they are involved in an Atlanta auto accident caused by a driver who is uninsured or inadequately insured.
what’s The Difference In Reduced And Excess Um Coverage?
There are two kinds of uninsured motorist coverage available for Georgia drivers.
Reduced UM is the more traditional of the two. Although it has significant limitations, having any form of UM is better than having none at all. Reduced uninsured motorist coverage provides coverage online in instances where the at-fault party’s coverage is less than your own coverage. Additionally, the coverage is only applicable to the extent your policy is greater than the at-fault party’s coverage. For instance, if you acquire a $100,000 reduced UM policy and are hurt in a car accident by someone with no coverage, you can make a claim through your UM insurer for up to $100,000. If you are injured in an auto wreck by someone with the state minimum $25,000 in liability coverage, your UM coverage will be reduced by that amount and offer you only $75,000 in coverage for a total of $100,000 in coverage.
In comparison, excess UM coverage, also called add-on UM, provides insurance to you in addition to any coverage held by the at-fault party. Using the example above, an excess uninsured motorist policy would still provide you with the $100,000 in coverage where the at-fault party has no insurance. However, if the at-fault driver’s coverage is $25,000, your $100,000 excess UM policy will provide you and your loved ones with up to $125,000 in total coverage.
In the event you sustain significant injuries and incur medical expenses, the difference in having no UM coverage, reduced coverage, or excess coverage can be drastic. Interestingly, the difference in cost between reduced and excess coverage is often minimal.
who Is Insured By My Uninsured Motorist Policy?
Uninsured motorist coverage affords coverage for you, your family, and any passengers in your car in the event you are injured by someone with little or no liability coverage.
Experienced Marietta Auto Accident Attorneys
The uninsured motorist attorneys at Jones & Swanson have years of experience handling claims involving multiple insurance policies, especially UM coverages. Many times Marietta auto accident victims are unaware that such coverage may exist. Nearly all uninsured motorist policies require prompt notice of an accident and potential UM claim. If you have been injured in an auto accident, the Kennesaw personal injury attorneys at Jones & Swanson want to help. Our attorneys and staff are dedicated to providing you with quality representation and are happy to review your potential claim by telephone at (770) 427-5498. If you or someone you know have been injured in an auto accident or have questions about uninsured motorist coverage, contact our Acworth personal injury attorneys right away for a free consultation.